XeroThera focusses on orthopedic and resistant infections. With breakthrough technology resulting from twenty years plus of fundamental research, XeroThera focuses on unmet clinical needs in major markets (> $ 3 B) for which significant health care cost savings can be achieved. Today, zero tolerance for postoperative surgical site infections (SSI) has set in. The medical literature articulates the rationale regarding morbidity and even mortality. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reimbursement criteria targeting medical cost containment demonstrate its reality, and thereby, create the financial context for addressing this fearsome issue. XeroSyn, a 510 (k) product, is a synthetic graft microparticle that can deliver antibiotics for SSI prophylaxis. It is not a drug, but a biomaterial. It can be mixed in minutes, at the time of surgery, with any antibiotic of choice. Regardless the medicine is released in controlled fashion over two weeks. Phase shifted over time in the pipeline are XeroDuo, an injectable nanoparticle with universal applicability for treating resistant infections (a combination product eligible for a fast track designation pathway) and XeroMicron thin films on implants for local antibiotic delivery, a unique product concept for strategic partnering. XeroThera’s competitors do not have the breakthrough concepts for optimal delivery of antibiotics (and other molecules). This technology is well tested, versatile and safe and there is extensive proof-of-concept for its products. XeroThera’s strategy include: focus on orthopaedic applications with a product for which the indications can be easily expanded; introduce this product into European markets and, in parallel, pursue regulatory clearance in the US; achieve short term cash flow positive status; leverage the patent portfolio.