For 30+ years, Friends Life Care Partners has been a pioneerin Continuing Care at Home. We are mission-driven serving older adults with a unique, innovative, everevolving business model which is also a boon to Long Term Care Insurance and Senior Living.

With the nation’s 76 million baby boomers turning 65 at a rate of roughly 10,000 per day — creative, flexible and progressive approaches of care forthe aging are essential. As the consulting arm of Friends Life Care Partners—the pioneer of continuing care at home (CCaH) – Friends Life Care Consultants (FLCC) draws on over 30 years of experience operating the first, largest andmost successful CCaH program in the United States. CCaHprovides an attractive alternative to moving to a facility orcommunal living for older adults who preferto age in their own homes. Research reveals that the high majority of older adults do in fact preferto “age in place” thriving in their own homes in the later years. We have helped thousands of people to achieve this dream, while also supporting them to lead healthierlives by delaying and reducing the need forlong term care services. We continue to advance this core business offering through a membership program with highly customizable plans. Critical to our success and growth was development of proprietary protocols and processes. In addition, we hold the largest historical CCAHcache of longitudinal data in the industry. This fuels our dynamic business model which is also directly applicable to the Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) industry and Senior Living (Life Plan Communities/Continuing Care Retirement Communities). Since LTCI Carriers and the Senior Living sector also serve older adults, they can benefit from the Friends Life Care Policyholder/Resident Engagement Solution – a technologypowered and human-focused business operation. We have analytical proof and evidence-based success in partnering with Carriers to reduce and shorten claims while also boosting policyholdersatisfaction. Carriers find value in the best practices and positive outcomes we deliver using pre-claim engagement, targeted
assessments, personalized interventions and predictive modeling among other technology-based and people-centricstrategies. Senior Living, in turn, gains value by enhancing theirresident’s journey of wellness through the continuum of care. With such deep andwide CCaHexperience, we continue to serve individuals as they age in place and also use what we’ve learned to helpLTCI Carriers and Senior Living tackle theirthorniest challenges.

Sector: Healthcare
Sub Sector: Improving Practice: Improving Medical Decision Making, Delivery of Care, Breaking Down Siloed Care
Industry: Healthcare
Status: None
County: Montgomery

Contact Information

Carol Barbour