2013 Statewide Brochure

Since 1989, BFTP has:
  • Boosted the PA economy by more than $23.5 billion
  • Generated 51,000 jobs in client firms
  • Added 89,000 additional jobs beyond those in client firms, yielding a total of 140,000 new jobs attributable to BFTP’s support


And especially compelling for these challenging times:
  • From 2007-2011, the Commonwealth received $358 million in additional state tax receipts, plus $144 million in state tax receipts from related BFTP client services, for a total increase of $502 million in state revenue as a direct result of BFTP investments in client firms.
  • New state tax revenue generated because of BFTP represents a 3.6-to-1 payback to the Commonwealth on its $137.7 million investment in BFTP.


View full 2013 Statewide Brochure