Tips on Building a Business That Can Change the World
Some call it “impact,” while some call it being “socially responsible” in business.
Either way, our friend Yuval Yarden penned this great post for the Philadelphia Citizen on some of the essentials for building a business that “does well by doing good.” She cites some important stats:
“The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2015 found that young employees want to work for companies that are committed to what has come to be known as the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet and Profits. And the companies who live that creed tend to engender greater consumer loyalty, as evidenced by The Edelman Good Purpose Study, which found that 68 percent of global consumers would remain loyal to a brand if the organization practiced social responsibility.”
What’s particularly cool about the post is that it’s also a great quick reference list to some of the fantastic organizations in our region that are helping entrepreneurs get started, connected and growing (yes, we’re in there). No simple unitasking post here, folks.
Read Yuval’s full post on the Philadelphia Citizen: “Start a Socially Responsible Business”