Check Out How Exyn Technologies Made a 3D Map of a Historic Finnish Mine

Cool partnership alert: Grays Ferry-based drone startup Exyn Technologies announced this week that it recently worked with a Toronto-based company to map a historic Finnish gold mine.

Exyn is a spinout of University of Pennsylvania’s GRASP Lab and uses drones and ground-based robots to collect data from places where maps and GPS don’t exist. The company’s autonomous drones use its exynAI Platform to fly without a human pilot.

Last year the company raised a $16 million Series A to expand its commercial growth and global reach.

The company worked with Rupert Resources, a Canadian gold exploration and development company, to explore a historic gold mine in Central Lapland of Northern Finland. Rupert Resources needed a plan for a potential restart of operations by “estimating tonnage previously removed from the mine, as well as calculating the remaining ore in heavily restricted areas,” Exyn said.

An Exyn drone mapped 30 stopes, or excavations made in the mine, across three days.

Read the full article here.