ROAR: Athena now LIVE on Indiegogo


The rise of the B-Corp business model has been unfolding here in Philadelphia as ROAR for Good, a mission-driven startup, is launching their flagship product Athena on Indiegogo on October 20, 2015.

roar-indiegogoROAR’s line of smart, fashionable jewelry is designed to help protect women in dangerous situations.

ROAR co-founders Yasmine Mustafa and Anthony Gold, both serial entrepreneurs, joined forces to develop ROAR’s first device that can help deter attacks and instantly call for help.


We cannot ignore the issues of violence against women and hope that it goes away. ROAR has chosen to face it directly and address it from both the intervention and prevention sides of the issue. “We refer to these issues of sexual assault, harassment, and objectification as ‘women’s issues’. These aren’t women’s issues. They are societal issues. And we need to address them as a society, including addressing the root causes and empowering more male allies to step up,” says ROAR co-founder Anthony Gold.

For each Athena device sold, ROAR is taking a percentage of proceeds and investing them in non-profits that are teaching empathy, respect, and healthy relationships to youth – programs which have been shown to reduce violence in adulthood.

Athena will sell for $99. It will be available for pre-order through Indiegogo on October 20th for early bird rates starting at $60, with a projected production release in Spring 2016.

About ROAR for Good

ROAR for Good was founded in 2014 by Yasmine Mustafa and Anthony Gold as a social-mission B-Corp dedicated to empowering women, reducing assaults, and transforming society. They developed their Athena line of smart, fashionable jewelry to deter attacks and instantly call for help. You can read more about ROAR at